
by James Jones   My uncle says that life is full of challenges. That will never change so be ready, the next challenge is coming and when you accept that fact, the challenge will be easier to overcome. If you are happy with your life, truly happy, then you are successful. Success in my mind […]

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Teamwork is key!

Everyone wants to feel appreciated. The key is in knowing what makes your employees or coworkers feel that way. What motivates one employee may not motivate another, in so much the same way, appreciation can be shown in many different facets. As a friend of mine taught me, “Facts are irrelevant, the truth is unimportant,

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A Stylish Stud

Phasellus molestie congue molestie. Nullam tempus eros et lorem auctor imperdiet. Donec eget imperdiet tortor. Morbi lobortis rutrum eros eu iaculis. Vivamus venenatis consectetur metus et ullamcorper. Pellentesque tincidunt dictum augue, at sollicitudin mi venenatis eget. Etiam sit amet nisi quis lacus ullamcorper interdum. Etiam at urna eu nunc mattis varius. Phasellus ultricies congue convallis.

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