This is 13 hours of content, delivered privately over two days, designed specifically to help your sales managers to more successfully build, develop, and manage a modern automotive sales force. We will teach them how to maintain a pipeline of potential additions to their team, how to train and develop their existing team, and how to easily manage their team’s sales and marketing activities on a daily, weekly, monthly, and quarterly basis.
Some of what you and your sales managers will learn are as follows:
Hiring an Effective Sales Team
● Establishing key attributes required for the dealership’s sales people
● Creating effective ads that attract and screen the right candidates
● Exploring other sources for new talent
● The initial phone interview
● Designing the first interview to screen for the established key attributes
● Implementing screening tests
● How to evaluate a candidate’s responses
● Making reference checks easy and effective
● Designing the second interview to further screen for the established key attributes
Managing an Effective Sales Team
● Establish key attributes required for the dealership’s sales people
● Establish minimum performance standards (unit sales, shown appointments, certifications, etc.)
● Maximizing your team’s strengths
● Before shift meetings – what to cover and how
● Incoming phone/e-mail procedures that get appointments (not just names & phone #s)
● How to effectively follow up on the unsold (immediate need) customer
● How to effectively mine orphan customers
● Establishing follow up procedures that can be monitored
● Identifying high payoff activities
● Time management skills that are transferable
● Managing your team’s time
● How to make sure that the floor and the phones are adequately covered… always
● Desking tailored to the individuals involved
● Desking best practices
Developing/Retaining an Effective Sales Team
● How to make training effective and fun (Train the trainer)
● The initial training session
● The ongoing training investment
● Monitoring and evaluating daily activities
● Establishing individual long term goals (weekly, monthly, annually)
● Establishing meaningful individual weekly activity goals
● Establishing meaningful individual monthly production goals
● The importance of formal weekly evaluations
● How to perform formal weekly evaluations
● How to perform month’s end written evaluations
● Discovering why people really stay or leave
● Making bonuses or spiffs meaningful
● How to identify the right candidates for promotion
Long Term Marketing Process
● How to effectively follow up on the sold customer
● Redefining and identifying customers, clients, and fanatics
● Choosing the appropriate contact intervals for each customer subset
● Working the referral gold mine
● Developing the methods of contact realistic for each associate (for long term compliance)
● How to use digital and traditional marketing strategies
● Creating a reoccurring message tailored to each individual associate
● Setting (and keeping accountable for) specific long term marketing goals and tasks
● Establishing a sales and marketing culture on the sales floor
Please contact us for a free needs assessment and custom proposal.