Expanding Our Digital Footprint: How To Use Social Media And Video

In this workshop you will learn how to create an empowering first impression and an emotional connection with today’s customers right where they do the majority of their car shopping; which is at home!

This is a new coaching event that literally changes quarter to quarter and usually even month to month. That’s because in the insanely fast paced and incredibly dynamic world of social media and digital marketing, as soon as the ink dries on a workbook the information begins to become obsolete. This is an up to date detailing of current best practices.


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In this 6 hour event we currently cover:

How to use video responses to walk-in, telephone, and Internet prospects to crush the competition!

The 15 different types of videos we need to have in our marketing arsenal.

In detail, the various How, What, When, Where, and Whys of each different kind of video.

The 7 elements required for voicemail that actually gets prospects to call us back.

How to use our dealership’s “Meet the Staff” page to create an empowering and inviting dealership first impression, and to help convert website visitors into actual prospects.

How to establish and maintain an authentic and genuine digital presence.

How to stay relevant to people who AREN’T in the buying stage of their trading cycle, so that when they are, we are top of mind for them.

How to use our and our customer’s smart devices to “push contact information”.

How to use social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, etc. to drive traffic and capture market share.

What major blunders others are currently making and what NOT to do with our social media efforts.

How to use a proven five step process to ensure our prospects call us back!

How to use the “opportunity window” to track the effectiveness of our Internet department.


Please contact us for a free needs assessment and custom proposal.