Attendee Comments – March ’00 – Phoenix

“I didn’t know Mr. Hargrove was who promoted himself in our sales meeting. I was lead to believe it was a seasoned pro in the car business! Upon my return to the dealership, I informed Mr. Moses of my complete dissatisfaction and told him I wanted the refund. I feel I could have presented a more effective and knowledgeable program. I have been in car sales off & on for 15 years. I’m a student of human nature. Mr. Hargrove has no ‘hands on”in the pit’ car sales experience. How can he relate? I feel I was most dissatisfied & would like a full unconditional refund.”
Marilyn Kimminau, Sales – Ed Moses Dodge

“I’ve been to many workshops and this by far was the most productive. Anyone who doesn’t take advantage of this workshop will always be at a disadvantage.”
Tony Young, Sales Consultant – Midway Nissan

“Excellent program! I have been selling cars for two years. I found plenty of useful stuff in here. I go to about six programs a year, Michael’s energy is very powerful. Never have I laughed and learned so much in one day!”
Craig J. Hasper, Sales – Courtesy Chevrolet

“This will make me a better and more successful person in many ways. On behalf of myself and my family, thank you!”
Lee Fancher, Sales Associate – Sands Chevrolet

“The first two hours were hard for me being the early hour and (cold) temperature. I learned a lot to help in my career and life! Michael was terrific! I hope to see him again soon.”
Laura Whitman, New & Used Sales – Ed Moses Dodge

“(I have) seen them all. This was the best! As a manager, I would recommend this course very heavily.”
James C. Lopez, Sales Manager – Sands Chevrolet

“I got so much more from this workshop both emotionally and mentally than I ever expected. I believe Michael is at the top of his game, and I feel with this experience, I am heading in the same direction!”
Jeff Short, Sales Consultant – Courtesy Chevrolet

“”Fifteen years in sales and over twenty seminars and this was by far the most helpful, true, and real! No B.S.!”
Gino Darmo, Assistant Sales Manager – Sands Chevrolet

“It was worth every penny. Thank you!”
John Sherlock, Sales – Big Two Toyota

“This was truly enlightening. Thank you so very much for sharing your knowledge, experience, and humor. The plane crash exercise was one that affected me greatly. Again, thank you.”
Jason Cook, Sales Consultant – Courtesy Chevrolet

“Thank you. Thank you from my wife also.”
Denton Dowers, Sales – Tempe Mitsubishi

“Everything. I learned a lot and will attend again. Michael has really helped me.”
Adam Riedel, Salesman – Midway Nissan

“2nd time was even better than the first!”
Charles Shadow, Sales (two time graduate) – Midway Nissan

Dennis J. Lyons, Sales Consultant – Sands Chevrolet

“With the materials (CDs, workbook, and website), I have an ongoing education program!”
Renny Resh, Dealer Development Manager – Big Two Toyota/Olds

“The workshop was very informative because I’m so new in the business and I need as many tools as I can get my hands on.”
Matthew J. Best, Salesman – Sands Chevrolet

“Every salesman, regardless of the product, should invest in this program for their long-term personal, financial, and business growth and success!”
David Eaton, Leasing Manager – Midway Nissan

“Michael explains a lot of the things that you already know to do but are afraid to use because they will make you too successful (and responsible) than you are prepared to be.”
Jon Rodis, Sales Rep. – Midway Nissan

“I had a great time. Now I just have to do what I learned and get better at what I do. THANKS!”
Eligio DeLeon, Car Sales – Sands Chevrolet

“Great program! Lots of newer responses to objections. Updating to stay up with a changing market in a necessity.”
Richard Overheul, Sales Manager – Fiesta Lincoln/Mercury

Steve Nunez, Sales Manager – Sands Chevrolet

“Michael really is great at what he teaches. If you’re in a public relations position where you need to learn of different types of people, his workshop is a must for you to invest in your most important asset; yourself. Thanks again, Michael.”
Steven Pappas, Sales Manager (four time graduate) – Tempe Mitsubishi

“Good (information), if I can use and apply to my situation.”
John McCready, Sales – Honda Cars of Mesa

Edward Fisher, Sales – Ed Moses Dodge

“I’m sorry that I was not focused through part of today’s session but I did learn more today than last year!”
Gerardo Valenzuela, Senior Sales Consultant (two time graduate) – Midway Nissan

“I’ve learned an incredible amount of info and plan to use as much as possible to help better myself.”
Robert Harsh, Sales & Leasing Consultant – Sands Chevrolet

“Very informative and fun!”
Jim Stone, Sales Rep. – Ed Moses Dodge

“I learned and see the value of the information. Very effective and I see myself benefitting form it.”
Heinz Bruno Reichett, Sales Representative – Tempe Mitsubishi

“Thanks for some solid tools, and a lot to do and think about.”
Richard Gray, Sales Consultant – Courtesy Chevrolet

“This workshop is the first one that I have been to. It has made me aware of some things going on in my life, and to see from a different point of view.”
Nathan Hill, Sales – Midway Nissan

“Michael does a great job helping us see more than just selling cars.”

“Would definitely recommend.”
Pete Kamarinos, Consultant – Sands Chevrolet

“Exciting and invigorating! I am only 2 weeks into car sales and look forward to future sessions.”
Tom E. Gosselin, Sales – Sands Chevrolet

“Even though my G.S.M. wasn’t here to witness me learning to perfect my craft, he will notice my improvements via more sales and more gross.”
Rick Martin, Sales (two time graduate) – Ed Moses Dodge

“Thank you.”
Chad Kent, A.S.M. – Midway Nissan

Eddie Geiger, A.S.M. – Fiesta Lincoln/Mercury

“I came to learn, being in the business just a short period of time. I appreciate the knowledge I received.”
Salvador Orona, Sales – Courtesy Chevrolet

“I have been to many training workshops and the reason is because I always get new material that is useful and review what I don’t use, so it will be used. Even though I have heard it before, The basics need to be reviewed and practiced. It is like Spring training.”
John Trave, Internet Manager – Courtesy Chevrolet

“Came to learn more lines (phrases) in this play called sales. Learn and role play objections on lot. Learned more about life!”
Ben Corsetti, Grunt – Fiesta L/M

“I feel I have gained a lot to work on here in the near future.”
Richard V. Savchenko, Sales Rep. – Fiesta Lincoln/Mercury

“A real eye-opener! Thank you.”
John Dunaway, Salesperson – Courtesy Chevrolet

Garis Buttars, New Cars – Sands Chevrolet

“Great benefit, will recommend.”
Dawn Babb, Sales – Sands Chevrolet