Attendee Comments – Mar. ’07 – Boise

“My second year and I’ve applied a lot of the things I learned last year. The result was I made more money, gained more responsibility within the dealership, and am happier in my personal life. You are a genius Michael! See you again next year!”
Tina Tresati, Sales – Lithia Ford of Boise

“I was cynical at first, thinking that this would be just another seminar. I was very surprised to find a great mix of humor, strong sales techniques, and sales psychology. Any person in sales will benefit from this course!”
Mike Anderson, Sales & Leasing Consultant – Mountain Home Auto Ranch

“Even better than I thought and I thought it would be great! To those considering participation, if you are serious about being successful, enroll!!”
Doug Rosecrans, Sales Consultant – Edmark Superstore

“Would have liked more auto sales info rather than basic sales and motivation. Would have liked more customer examples.”
Dustin Waldbillig, Sales Rep. – Boise Chevrolet

“Very educational. Always a pleasure to work with a trainer that has the knowledge and skills of Michael!”
Jeff Woody, Sales Consultant – Lyle Pearson Company

“I feel it is exactly the way you described it. It is all what we make of it. If we take what you gave us today and make it our own, we will be successful. I appreciate your time and incredible patience. I also appreciate the huge potential opportunity you have offered me to take.”
Grover Garrett, Sales Pro – Chevy of Boise

“As a second year attendee, I am very glad I choose to participate. We reviewed some valuable information and discussions brought up different perspectives and skill levels for use and incorporation. Always a pleasure to attend Michael’s workshops.”
Teresa Judge (TJ), Assistant Manager – Edmark – Direct Sales

“It was just okay. Could not hear as well as I would have liked.”
Charles Cosgriff, Sales – Lyle Pearson Company

“This is my second year and look forward to year 3, 4, 5, etc. I found that I didn’t ‘stay the course’ last year and have made myself a promise, a real promise, to stay the course this year. To use Michael and his resources and excel as I set my goals to. Thanks, Michael!”
Tim Crowley, Sales – Edmark Superstore

“The plan to talk personally with a loved one is great. Thank you for a great day.”
Gary Hoesing, Sales – Lithia Ford of Boise

“This was true hard core training, not just about selling cars or making money, but this was also about life.”
Paul Hoffman, Sales Associate – Peterson Autoplex

“I look forward to getting help later from follow up phone calls. Michael has a ton of knowledge to help us with.”
Bryan Dike, Sales – Edmark Superstore

“Very good day!”
Jason Kelly, Sales Professional – Peterson’s Stampede Dodge

“I enjoyed the new ideas and the non-canned responses.”
Jason Bernier, Sales – Lyle Pearson Automotive

“Lots of good stuff! Thank you.”
Bill Weery, BDC Manager – Peterson’s Autoplex

“It was an awesome class. I learned a ton I can use every single day at work and at home. Loved it!”
Jeip Maphixat, Sales Consultant – Lithia Chevrolet of Boise

“Inspirational, informative, applicable, very professionally presented.”
John Fahey, Sales – Lithia Ford of Boise

“Just a quote: ‘The truth hurts until it becomes a part of you, then it becomes instruction’.”
Chuck Snyder, Sales – Mountain Home Auto Ranch

“This was my second time attending. My first I was emotionally and spiritually unsure. I came a second time because I felt the emotional state management skills would help me the most. I was a failure, let me restate that, I had failed in the past and now realize that it was not failure, but life learning (situations). I recommend that the #1 priority should be taking car of ourselves emotionally and physically.”
Jack Knoblock, Sales – Peterson Autoplex

“I got all the info I need to start a better career for myself. Now I just need to do it!”
Corey Brown, Sales – Peterson Autoplex

“Very helpful in many ways, not just professionally.”
Tyrone Lewis, Sales – Peterson Autoplex

“I came to learn something, just one thing, and I learned many things! I will be back next year!”
Karen Martin, Sales – Lithia Chevrolet of Boise

“Excellent, usable information. I will definitely participate again next year.”
Jose A. Gutierrez, Sales Consultant – Edmark Superstore

“Second time attending, we covered new stuff and revisited some of the old. Great workshop… onto the implementation.”
Joe Ulticcan, Sales – Lithia Ford of Boise

“Outstanding!! Extremely helpful. Thank you.”
Michael R. Forgy, Sales Associate – Lithia Chevy

“If personal motivation is or should be #1 priority, why is it what we cover last? Perhaps it should be first. I enjoyed the presentation and instruction. It was very helpful and motivating.”
R. Mark Fabello, Fleet/Internet Manager – Lyle Pearson Co.

“Everyone needs a refresher and some helpful ideas. This was a good course.”
Jeremie Smith, Sales – Peterson’s Stampede Dodge

“I felt like the new guy! You told us to read the book and that we might not be able to use every technique!”
Steven Clyne, Salesperson – Lithia Chevrolet of Caldwell

“Worth the investment.”
Lee Blackburn, Sales – Peterson Autoplex

“(2nd time attendee) Good info, if you use his tools you will see rewards!
Jared Hall, Sales – Peterson Stampede

“It was great! Very informative and inspirational.”
Cindy Clark, Sales – Lithia Ford

“Very good.”
Rob Sherman, Sales Pro – Saturn of Boise

“Be where you are.”
Robert Besecker, Manager – Lyle Pearson Co.

“All I need is to take one overcoming objection tool and have it work to pay for the course.”
Gary Lillard, Fleet/Business Link Manager – Peterson’s Stampede

“Very fun. I just wish there was a little more crowd participation.”
Les Foale, Salesperson – Mountain Home Auto Ranch

“I needed to go to this session as it’s been years since I invested any time or money in advancing my selling skills. This class was very useful to me and I’m looking forward to implementing the techniques presented today by Michael.”
Jeff Hill, Sales – Lyle Pearson Company

“Great!! I will e-mail Michael next week.”
Kim Luy, Sales – Lithia Ford

“Enjoyed the experience. First time. Will definitely apply these things.”
Jason Orr, Sales – Lithia Ford

“Thank you!”
Ted Cook, Sales – Lyle Pearson Company

“I think some of the things I read from selling books finally clicked (making sense to me). Making it easier for me to use in certain situations.”
Troy Riviera, Sales – Edmark Superstore

“It truly was a life changing experience. Thank you , Michael.”
Mike Otto, Sales – Chevrolet of Boise

“Very uplifting!”
Les Warner, Sales – Edmark Superstore

“Michael, during your training I received bad news in my personal life. Although, I was devastated by the news, I paid my money to attend so I stuck it out. By far one of the best decisions I ever made. You are outstanding. I wish I had met you one year ago!”
Chris Powell, Sales Rep. – Lithia Chevrolet of Boise

“This covers personal as well as dealership skills. Excellent, particularly the diet/exercise/life style information. I enjoyed the inclusion of self talk information and affirmations.”
Jim Crooke, General Sales Manager – Lyle Pearson Company

“Thank you very much for your time.”
Nico Acosta, Sales – Edmark Superstore

“Expanded my horizons.”
Mitch Haase, Sales Professional – Chevrolet of Boise

“I got a lot more in this workshop than I expected! Thanks!”
Darryl Kuhrt, Sales Consultant – Edmark Superstore

“It was great to get new and updated tips. In today’s changing world, we all need to evolve and move forward.”
Jeanette Pottenger, Sales – Lyle Pearson Company

“I think that this will not only change my work habits but my life in general! Thank you!”
Steve Olson, Sales – Edmark Superstore

“For me, I would like to have more because it takes a lot for me to absorb. I will work this program!”
Randy McNeil, Sales – Peterson’s Autoplex

“I learned and will USE the information. The mind needs to keep learning. Thank you for keeping my mind working. I own a business in another field and will teach my staff some of the things that I have learned.”
Allen Pederson, Sales – Peterson’s Autoplex

“Very enjoyable and well worth the time and money invested. I feel much more in tune with myself and more confident. This is a really useful road map to a more rewarding career. A psychologically stimulating day for sure!”
Sterling Grubb, Sales – Mountain Home Auto Ranch

“If I can just adapt one item to my existing techniques than I feel it was worth my time and money.”
John Burton, Sales – Peterson’s Stampede

“I will take many things out of this course and will move into mentoring others now!”
Max Emling, Sales -Peterson’s Stampede Dodge

“When you say a break is in 5 minutes, break in 5 minutes, not 25. Leads to credibility.”

“It put me into more touch with reality. I also learned to have fun with the sales process.”
Roy Gilbert, Sales Consultant – Peterson Stampede Dodge

“Great motivation and information, very useful.”
Tina Bianchi, Sales Assistant – Lyle Pearson Company

“The class is good. The more you come the more you will retain. Take a little every time and the progress will change your life. You will better yourself by continual improvement.”
Richard Scott Larsen, Sales – Edmark Superstore

“This is my second year of the workshop. This year I picked up on things I didn’t the first year. I can’t wait till next year! Keep up the good work, Michael!”
Michael J. Walter, Sales -Peterson’s Stampede Dodge

“Lots of info today. I am looking forward to reviewing and completing the workbook and listening to the CDs.”
Jim Morrison, Sales – Dan Wiebold Ford

“I have been trying to better myself from age 19. I am now almost 50 years old. I just threw out of my office years of training tapes and videos because I felt they had nothing new. Man, I just want to step up and grow, you know to defeat my self stifling and to hit the mark I set years ago. Thanks, Michael, now I have new eyes!”
Paul Ambeau, Sales – Lithia Chevrolet of Boise

“100% satisfied!! I loved it and wish I could hire Michael as a personal life coach! Thank you!”
Tess Tompkins, Salesperson – Lithia Ford of Boise

“It was a great refresher and that was helpful to me as I did not follow the resources after the first class. I will this time! More interaction with the class physically I would have preferred. I am not used to sitting still that long. Great class though. Thank you!”
Sharon Corbin, Sales – Dan Wiebold Ford

“ Nice job! Lots of good ideas.”
Gloria Luna, Sales – Lithia Chevrolet of Caldwell

“I’m still new so I learned a lot!”
Aaron La Barbera, Sales – Peterson’s Autoplex

“Very inspiring!”
Brandon Hixon, Salesperson – Lithia Chevrolet of Caldwell

“Thanks for helping to re-motivate me and thanks also for the personal touch.”
Mike Taylor, Sales – Peterson’s Autoplex

“The only reason this workshop won’t propel my career and life into the stratosphere is if I don’t implement it. Take responsibility for your own success!”
Stacey Nagy, Salesperson – Lithia Ford of Boise