Attendee Comments – Mar. ’06 – Boise

“High Five to you Michael! I was skeptical AND (not but) you took this away immediately. You are sincere, believe in your message, and more importantly, believe in us! Thank you for sharing yourself with us today. As you said to those who sneezed during the workshop, God bless you! I’m 50, and this was the best sales seminar I’ve ever attended in my life!”
Tom Cotner, Sales, Internet – Edmark Superstore

“Eye opening information. Certainly not the run-of-the-mill sales training workshop. After 25 years of sales experience, I can count on one hand the sales workshops that rate as high as this one. I give this an A++!”
Tom McCabe, Sales – Peterson Stampede Dodge

“Warm, delivered well, informative, and honest.”
John Dickinson, Sales – Tom Scott Toyota

“Very useful and immediately applicable and implementable to my career and life. Excellent interaction and audience involvement.”
Stacy Nagy, Sales Consultant – Lithia Ford of Boise

“Just a double ton of information!! Mr. Hargrove gets you excited, eager and confident to put new techniques to use. Very valuable workshop!”
Brian Zeisloft – Peterson Autoplex

“Michael did a great job! He not only helped me in my sales process, but my personal life also. This is a must attend workshop for any sales associate!! Thanks Michael.”
Michael J. Walter, Sales – Peterson Stampede Dodge

“Want money back, please.”
Jeff Hall, Sales – Peterson Stampede Dodge

“Excellent use of my time and money! I know it will come back to me many times over. Thank you for the great opportunity to self-lift and evaluate. Money very well spent.”
Lee Schel, Sales – Peterson Autoplex

“Enjoyed it, just what I needed, not just in work, but for what I got going on at the home front too.”
Russell Antonucci, Salesman – Larry Miller Sundance Dodge

“Refreshingly new! Even though I’ve been in the car biz since 1987!!”
Van Waggaman, Sales Manager – Tom Scott Toyota

“Overall, great content. I would attend again and for different training.”
Paul Krake, Internet Manager – Larry Miller Subaru

“It was so enlightening. It makes you take a realistic look at how you really manage your time and life! Thank you!”
Pamela Graham, Salesperson – Tom Scott Toyota

“I hope it doesn’t sound trite, but I learned so much from the timing and pauses. Michael’s coaching style is especially effective for me to learn to slow down and consider my statements. Great job! I will be back.”
Tina Tresati, Sales – Lithia Ford of Boise

“I’m a new salesman in training. Out of all my training so far, Michael Hargrove’s was the most beneficial.”
Lucas Heck, Salesman – Peterson’s Autoplex

“Even old dogs need new tricks!”
David “Newly” Newell, Sales – Peterson Autoplex

“This is a must see class! If you don’t do this class at least once in your career, then you will be left unfulfilled. Michael, you are awesome. Thanks so much.”
Todd Miller, Sales Consultant – Lithia Ford of Boise

“Thanks for the info. I look forward to returning in the years to come.”
Tim Crowley, Sales – Edmark Superstore

Mike Peterson, Sales – Peterson Autoplex

“I came here because I was looking for psychological healing. I am a successful sales person who spent 17 years at one dealership. I worked my way to a six digit income and never took anymore fresh ups. What happened is I let myself get over confident and I used recreational drugs and fell hard. Now, I’m picking up the pieces and starting over. Thank you Michael for reminding me I am the best! I knew when I met you that you had something I needed. Thanks!”
Jack Knoblock, Sales – Peterson Autoplex

“A lot of training was for a traditional store not a best price store. Would have liked to have learned more on the art of selling not negotiating price. Seemed more like a lecture! Would like to learn more about retaining a clientele.”
Anonymous, Edmark Superstore

“The workshop was excellent! We can never have enough tools for our toolbox. I work at a best price store in Idaho. We have a lot of processes in place which we follow daily. I learned some new word tracks today that will fit into our process very well! Great workshop, really. Great insight on life balance too.”
Preston Worley, Sales Manager/Team Leader – Edmark Superstore

“I was skeptical in the beginning but found the workshop to be positive and I will take and use the material from it and apply it with every aspect of my life.”
Aaron Murri, Salesman – Larry Miller Subaru

“GREAT! I thought it would be a waste of time, but it was very helpful.”
Michael Washington, Sales – Larry Miller Subaru

“Thanks for all the help. I look forward to reaping the benefits of the workshop and the tools.”
Wayne Campbell, Sales – Nampa Kia

“I think it was very helpful to make your job easier.”
John Smith, Sales – Nampa Kia

“I am very impressed with the way it was expressed and organized.”
Scott Proter, Sales – Larry Miller Sundance Dodge

“I will be back next year.”
Victor Ferrari, Sales – Larry Miller Subaru

“Had fun and learned a lot!”
Jeremy Bergloff, Sales – Peterson Autoplex

“Great workshop. The only thing right now that I would change would be (to have) hourly breaks so that I, as well as others, can use the facilities as needed and not miss any of the great info.”
Ronald W. Balckner, Sales Rep. – Lithia Ford of Boise

“The workshop was great! I came away with several new techniques to overcome objections and close the sale!”
Brad Leighton, Sales – Peterson Stampede Chrysler/Dodge/Jeep

“This touched on the fact that life isn’t just about selling cars. But instead focused on the fact that a well rounded life equals success, period. If your life is fulfilling, you will be successful.”
Rob Frank, Sales/Leasing Rep. – Larry Miller Subaru/Mitsubishi

“Great experience.”
Rick Rojas, Manager – Peterson Stampede Dodge

“Everything I expected and more. Much, much more! More a course on life than just sales!”
Bow Williams, Sales – The Giant Peterson Autoplex

“It was very interesting because I’ve taken other sales training courses but not in this format. This was a good refresher and very insightful.”
Marlon Velazquez, Sales – Peterson Autoplex

“My training manual at work covers most of the materials in the workshop. The room was too cold. Check the Red Lion Riverside next time. They have better food and better parking. I don’t do ups, so the material only meets a small portion of what I do.”
Robert Adams, Direct Sales – Edmark Superstore

“I get professional advice/help and personal advice from Michael every time I attend. It’s always very enriching. Thanks!”
Glenn Burkard, Sales Manager – Peterson Autoplex

“Very good. Great ideas were shared for all levels of sales professionals.”
Ryan Dowdle – Tom Scott Toyota

“Thank you, Michael! We’ll look forward to seeing you again next year! I liked your comments about mentoring others. I’ve always felt the best way to learn something is to teach it!”
Charlie Mattson, BDM – Peterson Stampede Dodge

“Thank you. I learned a lot.”
Gary Lillard, Sales – Peterson Stampede Dodge

“This was a great refresher and I learned new ideas that will help me learn and grow as a salesman.”
Zach Herbst, Sales – Peterson Autoplex

“The Who Would You Call’ exercise alone made this class worth attending!”
Les Salsman, Salesman – Peterson Autoplex

“The first half was hard to get into, but to my surprise the second half was awesome! One of the most informative workshops I’ve ever been to.”
Brent W. Hanson, Sales – Peterson Autoplex

“It’s all good!”
Dale Little, Sales – Peterson Stampede

“Very good. I’ve enjoyed my day of learning from Michael.”
Jerry Smith, Sales Consultant – Larry Miller Automall

“I liked the interaction with others/peers. Missed the “follow up” material though.”
Kim T. Luy, Sales – Lithia Ford of Boise

“Identifying my personal self talk ratios reinforced to me that I am determined to continue on my path towards peak performance! Never change the Make The Call’ opportunity. It is our responsibility to own our success by identifying our hearts in our lives.”
Teresa Judge (TJ), Assistant Admin. Internet Dept. – Edmark Superstore

“Great stuff! Iwish we had more time. See you again next year!!”
David Thom, Salesman – Edmark Superstore


“Good material and illustrations. Not enough role plays though. A one day workshop is great because everyone is busy but if we commit our time, we need to get some practice. I will follow the homework exercises and review the Cds. Great insight into ourselves.”
Dave Louie, Direct Sales Consultant – Edmark Superstore