Attendee Comments – February ’13 AoC – Lynnwood


“This workshop provided me with powerful tools that makes me feel more confident in asking for their commitment, allowing me to conform to my delivery process verbally.”
Kat Byrd, Auto Sales – Lynnwood Honda



“Great!! I learned so much!! Very helpful.”
Tracy Robbins, Sales – Lynnwood Honda


“I like the ½ day format. I also like the focus on one topic rather than trying to cover all of everything in sales. It’s much more useful to break it down into usable specifics.”
Bobby Labor, Sales – Lynnwood Honda


“What a great experience! I love the chance to get to talk to Michael!”
Ron Axtell, Sales Manager – Performance Kia


“Very helpful. Great tools to bring the workbook of handling objections together. Less talk from audience off topic. The role playing was very good.”
Danny Hook, Salesman – Lynnwood Honda


“Once again thank you for the very valuable information. Please keep it that way. Your way of training makes it easy to understand. It was just perfect!”
Tavo Herrera, Sales – Lynnwood Honda


“Show a video clip of how the wife manipulates the husband in My Big Fat Greek Wedding. He thinks he is making the decisions. For each section, maybe show graphically where we would expect to use the techniques in the sales process, maybe a flow chart?”
Mark Baker, Sales – Lynnwood Honda


“In the new markets, maybe you can do a hybrid of this closing workshop and your one day foundational workshop.”
Anthony Moskaluk, Internet Sales – Performance Kia


“I wish we could do even more role playing. Very good class though! ”


“It was great, as always. Great information, great materials, great trainer.”
Gabe Moreno, Sales Manager – Lynnwood Honda


“Great information. I wish it was longer. When it comes to knowledge there is no time constraint.”
E.J. Scoll, Sales – Lynnwood Honda


“I need more role playing to be done at my store! I will work hard on changing that process or lack of process in my store. Thank you!”
Carlton Scott, Sales Manager – Performance Kia