Attendee Comments – Dec. ’03 – Phoenix

“Each time I attend, I take away a wealth of information, whether it be new to me or a confirmation of my current activities. Thanks for the reminders too! Not only is my work life enriched but my family benefits as well. God Bless!”
Regina Ashcroft, Lease Specialist (three time graduate) – Sunset Ford

“I didn’t realize until this second workshop that the decisions I made during the first workshop I have actually followed through with. Thank you!”
Donna McNew, Sales (two time graduate) – Honda Cars of Mesa

“This is by far the best and most helpful training and detoxification I have ever attended while in the automobile sales industry.”
Juan Martinez, Sales – Tempe Honda

“My second class in four years. The last class helped me achieve a 30% improvement in units sold and customers retained. I’m expecting the same results again to move to the next level in my professional career. Thanks Michael, great job.”
Tom Gill, Sales (two time graduate) – Sun Pontiac/GMC

“Keep up the good work!”
Charles Moore, A.S.M. (three time graduate) – Sunset Ford

“Second time in this class and (it) seemed like a new class!”
Ed Jones, Sales (two time graduate) – Lou Sobh Pontiac

“As usual, Michael expanded my thinking to where it should be. Thanks for helping me remember that where I’m going and how I get there is up to me.”
Mike Ashcroft, Lease Manager (three time graduate) – Sunset Ford

“Eye opening and encouraging.”
Tino Martinez, Sales – Mini of North Scottsdale

“Don’t walk, but run to this workshop. It can and will change the way you look at everything, not just sales!”
J.L. Golightly, Sales – Infiniti of Scottsdale

“Pretty much how to sell more cars. Everything was helpful to me.”
Drew Besenfelder, Retail Auto Salesman – BMW of North Scorttsdale

“Even when you know it’s okay to be reminded.”
Scott Rairdon, Sales Manager – Lou Grubb Chevrolet

“These concepts brought home my current concerns about the business. I recently moved into this career from an industry that was at best distressing. I now have a more positive outlook.”
Kirby Hamby, Sales Consultant – Lou Grubb Arrowhead

“This changed my thoughts and my future, not only in business, but personally forever. Thank you! I’m looking forward to the next seminar.”
Michael A. Steele, Sales – Honda Cars of Mesa

“Sorry I came here sick but I couldn’t afford to miss it!”
Joe Leszkowicz, Salesman – Tempe Honda

“I appreciate the tools and will use them everyday at work and at home. Thanks.”
Adam Gura, Sales – Infiniti of Scottsdale

“Excellent job. Keep up the good work!”
Jack A. Berry, Sales (two time graduate) – Sun Pontiac

“Second time in and remembering (refreshing) everything I forgot since the last time.”
Tracy Duran, Credit Director (two time graduate) – Scott Toyota

“Great experience. The closing techniques and skills went above and beyond. The objection strategies were also top rate.”
Kenneth O. White, Sales – Scott Toyota

“Today’s workshop was very motivating and applicable in everyday’s workplace. It was also refreshing to hear some things I have already learned in the past, but have forgotten. Thank you for such a great experience.”
Reid Ashton, A.S.M. – Scott Toyota

“I highly recommend this to all salespeople. If you’ve been selling for six months or forty years, this is a must! Managers and owners should take the time to attend. You have much to remember.”
Rick Gilmore, General Sales Manager (four time graduate) – Sun Pontiac/GMC

“Awesome! Well worth the money! The wealth of knowledge that I gained form Michael’s workshop today is priceless. Not only do I have the skills to better myself, but I also have the ability to retain valuable information regarding my profession and how I can do better.”
Sterling McDougald, Sales Consultant – Lou Grubb Chevrolet

“Very positive and motivational. It was well prepared and comprehensive.”
Steve Lutman, Sales Rep. – Honda Cars of Mesa

“I believe that when I apply the techniques that I was taught in this workshop to my life in general, I will become a better husband, father, person, and car salesman!!!”
Robert Morrison, Jr., Sales Consultant – Lou Grubb Chevrolet Arrowhead

“Very informative and thought provoking. Top marks!”
Joel Gans, Sales Consultant – infiniti of Scottsdale

“I was only going to stay one or two hours, but it just kept on getting better! I stayed the whole time and it was well worth it. Very real, very genuine, very common-sense information. I’m glad you included the emphasis on personal care and development.”
Art Piccinati, President – Sun Pontiac/GMC Mesa

“I Walked away with more than I thought I would. Thanks!”
Chris Montana, Sales Consultant – Sunset Ford

“I really enjoyed the experience, but I was hoping for more to deal with being in finance. I will commit to listening to the tapes, if for no other reason than you are very motivating!”
Heather Mullins, Finance Manager – Sun Pontiac

“To be honest, I didn’t like it at first, and I wanted to get back to work, but now I am so glad I came to this workshop.”
Hugo Larteros, Sales Consultant – Sun Pontiac/GMC

“Well worth the time and the money.”
Gary Hill, Sales Manager – Acura of North Scottsdale

“At first I really wasn’t looking forward to coming. This morning I was mad to be here but this afternoon was great. I think I’ll really put to use what you taught me today. I learned a lot more about myself being a person as well as a salesman. You taught me about life and that is what is most important. Good job to you.”
Dustin Heinen, Sales – Scott Toyota

“It’s time to take responsibility and walk my talk!”
Brian Peters, Sales Rep. – Acura of North Scottsdale

“Very good. It needs one half hour of specific questions and answers.”
Dennis Lowry, Sales – Infiniti of Scottsdale

“I truly believe this course will better my ability to service my customers. I know Michael loves what he does and is one of the best that I have ever listened to. It was an honor to attend.”
Robert James, Special F&I Manager – Tempe Honda

“I can’t wait to put these ideas to work both in my professional and personal life look forward to infroming you on how it goes.”
James R. Reese, Special Finance – Tempe Honda

“As a sales manager, I am always looking for different ways to motivate, train, and evolve my staff and dealership. All along I have been teaching how to’s, and when’s, and where’s but Michael also teahces us the why’s!”
Josh Bernstein, Sales Manager – Budget Car & Truck Sales

“This was awesome! Very eye opening! My first seminar in the car business and I am looking forward to the next time Michael is in town.”
Craig Stephansen, Sales – Tempe Honda

“Today was great! I know this will have a profound effect on my sales career. I look forward to not only attending again, but also helping others with what I’ve learned and inviting them next year! Thanks again!”
James Braden, Sales – Sun Pontiac/GMC

“I believe the knowledge I gained today will help me to achieve the goals I have set for myself. I also gained a better understanding of myself.”
Everett Leff, Sales Consultant – Lou Grubb of Camelback

“I am also a little leery about ‘sales training’ but was pleasantly surprised at the amount of information I learned! I feel I can use all of it to my advantage.”
Brian Kindle, Sales – Tempe Honda