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Here are the topics covered in this audio program and accompanying workbook:
Personal Motivation Techniques
- Targeting High Payoff Activities
- Using The Law of Cause & Effect
- Controlling & Sustaining Focus
- Dynamic Self-Talk
- Daily Work Plans
- Physiological/Psychological Links
- Health and Fitness Routines
- Long & Short Term Goal Setting
- Identifying Life Priorities
- Emotional Anchoring
- Managing Stress
- Continual Education & MORE!
Basic Selling Skills
- Empowering First Impressions
- The Professional Greeting
- Needs Determination
- Presentation Skills
- Effective Demonstrations
- “Selling The Store”
- Write-Up Techniques
- Obtaining “Today” Commitments
- Basic Closing Techniques
Advanced Selling Skills
- Control Questions & Tie Downs
- Embedded Commands
- Agreement Framing
- Customer Temperaments
- Neurolinguistic Programming
- The Art of Pacing & Leading
- Active Listening
- Pattern Interrupts
- Overcoming Any Objection
- Advanced Closing Techniques
- 48 Closing Word Tracks
- Closing on the Final Objection
Productive Follow-Up
- The Magic of the Delivery
- Lucrative Follow Up Procedures
- The Referral Gold Mine
- Professional Telephone Skills
- Effective Use of E-Mail, Text, Stamp, and Fax
- Developing Your Own Follow Up System
- Painless Prospecting and MORE!