

MySuccessCompany.com E-NEWSLETTER
December 2023


This Month’s Selling Principle:

E-mail responses that get results

I was asked to share some simple e-mail responses that help sales people get return phone calls when phone numbers are not included in the intial contact.

Here are three simple responses that are currently getting good results. The first is for price inquiries, the second is for vehicle inquiries, and the third is for best price requests. All three solicit a response from your prospect which helps us speak on the phone with them and ferret out legit leads.

Customers today certainly can BUY a car over the Internet, but we rarely are able to effectively SELL a car over the Internet. Therefore, none of them spend (read waste) lines of text, time or effort trying to “sell them” the car or the store, and consequently may not meet the compliance requirements of your manufacturer or management staff. Please be a professional, and run these by your supervisor before using them. All three are designed to make it to our prospect’s advantage to get ear to ear with us which at least gives us a chance to “sell them” ourselves and ultimately the appointment.

Lastly, I’ve included some video responses that are getting tremendous results as far as return calls and shown appointments are concerned. If you are not currently using video to respond to your customer’s initial inquiries, may I humbly suggest you start NOW! As you’ve heard me say before, we are WAY PAST the information age and knee deep in the entertainment age. Some of us desperately need to catch up!

Example One:

Mr. Client:

Thank you for you inquiry regarding the exciting new Whippet Deluxe Roadster. My name is Kerri Mason and I’m a senior client advisor here at Lemon Motors in Ewbetcha, Idaho. We have two or three approaches that could result in significant savings for you. I would like to discuss these with you at your convenience. Experience has taught me that a brief two minute conversation is much easier and more efficient than six or seven e-mails back and forth. I can be reached at (800) 555-1234, or on my cell phone (555) 555-4321, or, if you’re more comfortable with e-mail, at [email protected].

Thank you for your interest,
Kerri Mason

Example Two:

Mr. Client:

Thank you for you inquiry regarding the exciting new Whippet Deluxe Roadster. My name is Kerri Mason and I’m a senior client advisor here at Lemon Motors in Ewbetcha, Idaho. We have two or three equipment options, as well as various trim levels, that could result in significant savings for you. I would like to discuss these with you at your convenience. Experience has taught me that a brief two minute conversation is much easier and more efficient than six or seven e-mails back and forth. I can be reached at (800) 555-1234, or on my cell phone (555) 555-4321, or, if you’re more comfortable with e-mail, at [email protected].

Thank you for your interest,
Kerri Mason

Example Three:

Mr. Client:

Best prices, as I’m sure you know, are determined by the availability at the time you decide to do business. There are other variables too, of course, like time of the month, how readily the car can be replaced, what bank or manufacturer programs are in place at the time, condition of your present vehicle (if you’re planning to sell it to the dealership), even the moods of everyone involved.

Whenever my Internet customers ask me for the ‘Best price’ what they’re usually trying to do is narrow their choices down to the most competitive two or three stores. You know, those within $300, $400, $500 of each other. So, I’d be happy to give you our best non-negotiated price to help you narrow your choices too.

Now, some customers hate the negotiating process so much, that they just decide to pay whatever the lowest quote was that they received. Most, however, want to save the very last nickel they can and decide to come in to negotiate an even better deal, if possible, based on the current conditions I mentioned earlier.

I’d be happy to accommodate you either way. Our current Internet price for the model and equipment you’ve requested is $XX,XXX. Should you decide to come see me, I will eliminate the pressure and hassle of the traditional negotiating process. It’s really very easy to do business here, as you will see.

I’d like to discuss this further with you. Experience has taught me that a brief two minute conversation is much easier and more efficient than six or seven e-mails back and forth. I can be reached at (800) 555-1234, or on my cell phone (555) 555-4321, or, if you’re more comfortable with e-mail, at [email protected].

Thank you for your interest,
Kerri Mason

Click these links to see examples of video responses to phone inquiries and e-mail inquiries:
Video responses to initial phone and e-mail inquiries.

There’s lots of nuance to how to make video responses effective. Hit me up and we’ll schedule a remote one on one session to go over them.

Also, let me take this opportunity to wish you all a very Merry Christmas, and a Happy & Prosperous New Year! Be safe, stay warm, and bathed in love the whole holiday season.

So, until next time, be well, and do good work!
Michael D. Hargrove

e-mail Michael Hargrove

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“Man’s mind stretched by a new idea never goes back to its original dimensions.”
Oliver Wendell Holmes



 Objection of the Month: “Just give me your best price.”

These are just a few of the most common strategies shared at the workshops we’ve conducted all across North America and attended by thousands of the top sales people in our field. Please keep in mind that nothing works all the time, and no one thing will work for everybody. Each of these strategies, of course, need to be tailored to the individual user, to the specific customer, and the particular situation. Also, this is by no means the definitive work on overcoming this particular objection and it’s not intended to be.

a. “That’s the easiest part of my job, adjusting numbers. We adjust numbers all day long. What I can’t adjust, however, is your taste. So first, let’s find just the right truck for you, then we’ll go inside and I’ll show you just how easy it is to do business with us. Fair enough?”

b. “The best price is determined by the availability at the time we decide to do business and I’d be happy to go over all the numbers with you before you leave. First let’s find just the right van for you, Jim, then we’ll go inside and work out the very best figures we can. Did you say that you wanted a light color or a dark color?”

c. “It’s sounds to me like you want to save money just like the rest of my customers. Well, there are two ways I can help you do that, Mr. Jones, it’s the outside part and the inside part of my job. The outside part is where together we find just the right car for you (so you’re not paying for stuff you don’t need, or missing stuff you gotta have) and the inside part is where I help you and my manager reach an agreement on the numbers. I’m really good at both parts of my job. Will you give me the chance to prove that to you?”

d. “All final figures are determined by management and by you, the customer. I’m the agent that first makes sure you get the car that best fits your needs, and then works hard to get both you and the manager to agree on a figure. So, let’s first make sure this is the right car for you and then we’ll go inside and reach an agreement! Did you want an automatic or a five speed?”

e.“There are lots of different ways we can fit whatever car you end up choosing within the budget you had in mind. What I’d like to do, if you’ll allow me to, is put all the ways we can accomplish this for you in writing, so you can see for yourself firsthand. After reviewing them all, YOU tell US which one works best for you. I think that’s a better way of doing business, don’t you? So let me ask you, earlier you said you needed more room. Does this one give you the room you were hoping for in your next car?”

f.“Before we’re done, not only will we go inside and discuss price but we’ll also talk about down payments, monthly payments, interest rates and numbers on your trade-in. Okay? And I’m going to invite you to make your final decision on the numbers and the numbers alone. Not because I’m a nice guy (although I am), not because of the store’s reputation (although it’s outstanding) but only on the bottom line. Fair enough? Now tell me Ms. Customer, what do you like about your current car that you want to make sure you also get in your next one?”

g.“I appreciate your vote of confidence in me but I don’t think I’m a good enough salesperson to earn your business on price and price alone. So, first let’s make sure we find the car that best meets all your needs too, then we’ll go inside and work out the very best numbers we can for you. Sound fair?”

h.“Let me surprise you with what we can do for you! Can you be a little patient?”

i.“Mr. Client, I won’t waste your time. If we can’t make the numbers work, I wouldn’t even expect you to do business with us. That’s fair isn’t it?”

j.“Whether it’s choosing the exact right vehicle for you or going inside to work out the very best terms for you, let’s take all the time necessary to make a sound decision, okay? And remember Sir, YOU are the one in control, no one can spend your money for you! That’s reasonable, isn’t it?”

k.“Of course you want the best price. Smart buyers always do. The price of any car varies, however, with each bit of equipment the car has. You’ve asked me a question that’s impossible to answer without first knowing a little more about what you want. Were you looking for a lot of power equipment this time or just basic transportation? You know, that’ll affect the price.”

Next month’s objection will be: “Give me your best price but I’m not buying today.” We need YOUR input!!! Please forward your ideas on this one, or your suggestions on which objection to cover next, to [email protected].


“Income seldom exceeds personal development.”
Jim Rohn


On Success

“The Fence”
— by Anonymous

There once was a young boy with a very bad temper. The boy’s father wanted to teach him a lesson, so he gave him a bag of nails and told him that every time he lost his temper he must hammer a nail into their wooden fence.

On the first day of this lesson, the little boy had driven 37 nails into the fence. He was really mad!

Over the course of the next few weeks, the little boy began to control his temper, so the number of nails that were hammered into the fence dramatically decreased.

It wasn’t long before the little boy discovered it was easier to hold his temper than to drive those nails into the fence.

Then, the day finally came when the little boy didn’t lose his temper even once, and he became so proud of himself, he couldn’t wait to tell his father.

Pleased, his father suggested that he now pull out one nail for each day that he could hold his temper.

Several weeks went by and the day finally came when the young boy was able to tell his father that all the nails were gone.
Very gently, the father took his son by the hand and led him to the fence.

“You have done very well, my son,” he smiled, “but look at the holes in the fence. The fence will never be the same.”

The little boy listened carefully as his father continued to speak.

“When you say things in anger, they leave permanent scars just like these. And no matter how many times you say you’re sorry, the wounds will still be there.”

Be careful with YOUR words.


“A word and a stone once thrown away cannot be returned.”
Mexican Proverb



Upcoming Public Events:

There are currently no public events scheduled. 



“I really enjoyed how Michael has expanded my mind to realize that I really can change the way I communicate in order to connect better with others. This will help me in sales and in many other areas of my life!”
Abbey McCraw, Sales Associate – Toyota of Portland

“Michael was GREAT!!! I couldn’t ask for a better trainer! He really tried to get to know everybody and doesn’t interact with each person too much or too little. I would definitely recommend this workshop to anybody, even if they think they know everything.”
Scott Hoskin, Salesman – Vancouver Ford

“It was really good to get this new information, as well as some refresher info.”
Ken Scott, Sales – Toyota of Portland

“Michael was fantastic. Examples, knowledge, and humor were all perfect. I’ll most certainly be back for more!”
Mary Beth Maxa, Sales – Mercedes Benz of Wilsonville




Here’s our entire schedule of upcoming public events–> Schedule Page
Here’s ALL of our client’s comments (good & not so good)–> Comments Page


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