Virtual Audio Coaching: Retail Automobile Sales: The Professional’s Workshop (3 day boot-camp)


The following are the individual tracks (in MP3 format) of the audio program Retail Automobile Sales: The Professional’s Workshop (3 day boot-camp). To play these tracks, simply left click the desired link, and it will queue up and begin streaming. You will continue to be forwarded the current password via e-mail for the duration of your subscription. We ask that you please respect our intellectual property copyright.


Track One: Intro-Personal Motivation

Track Two: Personal Motivation (cont.)

Track Three: First Impressions-Building Rapport

Track Four: Building Rapport (cont.)

Track Five: Presentation-Demonstration

Track Six: Sell The Store-Write Up

Track Seven: Today Commitments

Track Eight: Commitments (cont.)

Track Nine: The Close

Track Ten: Closing (cont.)

Track Eleven: Overcoming Objections

Track Twelve: Follow Up



© 2013 by Bottom Line Underwriters, Inc. All rights reserved. Any unauthorized duplication or distribution is strictly forbidden by law. Besides, think of all the bad karma you’d earn.