July 2025
This Month’s Selling Principle:
Evidence Manual/PowerPoint
A couple of the most important elements in selling anything is the ability to build trust and confidence. The evidence manual or evidence PowerPoint presentation is designed to help us do both. This is accomplished by showing as well as telling our customer the benefits of doing business with us. It’s simply more credible when they are allowed to read it too!
The advantage to using a binder evidence manual is that it allows us to quickly access whatever information we may need at the time. The advantage of using an evidence PowerPoint or digital presentation is that it allows us to also use video.
We can use the evidence manual or evidence PowerPoint at any time in the transaction but we’ll probably find it most beneficial at the write up stage or anytime we have to leave our customers alone in our office. Finally, the manual or PowerPoint should be designed in such a way as to build credibility in the following:
Us As A Person
- Certificates, diplomas, awards of merit, special recognitions
- Articles showing our participation in local events or charities
- Pictures of ourself with our families, pets, church groups, etc.
- A brief biography of ourself
Us As A Sales Professional
- Certificates of training courses, product certification, dealership certification, etc.
- Professional achievements, awards and recognitions
- Testimonial videos or letters from our customers
- Pictures of our customers taking delivery of their new cars (with us in it too!)
- CSI reports
The Dealership
- Awards, citations, special recognitions, factory designations, etc.
- Articles showing the dealership’s participation in local events and charities
- Sponsorships (local baseball teams, girl scout outings, soccer tournaments, etc.)
- Pictures of the owner(s), general manager, department managers, etc.
- A brief biography of the owner(s) and the agency
- Dealership CSI reports
The Product
- Periodicals, news releases, portions of the product brochures, etc.
- Magazine articles from Autoweek, Motor Trend, Automotive News, Car & Driver, Road & Track, Consumer Reports, etc. (attention drawn to major points with a highlighter)
We should add a credo at the beginning or end also. Some examples are:
“We can get everything in life we want if we just help enough other people to get what they want.”
“My rewards in life will always be in exact proportion to my contributions and service to my customers.”
“The law of business prevents paying a little and receiving a lot. When you deal with the lowest bidder it is always best to add a little for risk. However, if you can afford to add a little for risk, you can afford to buy the best.”
“There is hardly anything in this world some man cannot make a little worse and sell a little cheaper, and the people who consider price only, are this man’s lawful prey.”
So, until next time, be well, and do good work!
Michael D. Hargrove
Follow on Twitter @MDHargrove
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““How we use our mind is crucial to our finding and getting what we want out of life, and giving what we want to it.”
Alan Cohen
Objection of the Month: “This is the first place we’ve shopped.”
These are just a few of the most common strategies shared at the workshops we’ve conducted all across North America and attended by thousands of the top sales people in our field. Please keep in mind that nothing works all the time, and no one thing will work for everybody. Each of these strategies, of course, need to be tailored to the individual user, to the specific customer, and the particular situation. Also, this is by no means the definitive work on overcoming this particular objection and it’s not intended to be.
a. “Well, let’s see if we can’t make it the last place too!”
b. “Why did you pick this place first?” then, “Why else?” and again, “Any other reasons you chose us first?” Then finally, “Those all sound good reasons to do business with someone, don’t they?”
c. “Isn’t funny how our first instincts are usually the best?”
d. “All new cars are a heck of a lot of money, aren’t they? Too much money for anyone to settle for their second choice, don’t you agree? Well, let’s make sure you won’t have to “
e. “Thank you very much for choosing us first!”
f. “You’ve found the right car, in the right color, with all the right equipment and at the premiere dealership in the city. All that and we got it to fit within your budget too! Are you always this lucky? Let’s put this shopping chore behind you so you can start to enjoy your new car!”
g. “This car is very expensive, isn’t it? Actually, all new cars are lots of money, aren’t they? You know Mr. Customer, they’re too much money for you to have to settle for your second choice, wouldn’t you agree? Well, this must be your first choice since you shopped here first. So, let’s put this thing to rest shall we?”
h. “So, for all practical purposes, this car fits you perfectly, right? You just need to look around to satisfy your curiosity. Mr. Customer, it sounds like you’re simply having trouble accepting the fact that you fell in love on the first date, am I right? Love at first sight DOES happen and usually it turns out to be a great romance. This one will be too. Now, press hard, you’re going through four copies!”
i. “Whether it’s the first or last place you shop, your decision comes down to three basic questions, may I share them with you? (Wait for their answer) “Number one, does this vehicle give you what you want?” (Wait for their answer) “Number two, can you afford it?” (Wait for their answer) “Number three, am I the kind of person you want to help you with this decision and to support you through the entire ownership experience?” (Wait for their answer) “Since you’ve answered yes to all three, I just need your okay right here.”
Next month’s objection will be: “I need to shop other cars first.” We need YOUR input! Please forward your ideas on this one, or your suggestions on which objection to cover next, to [email protected].
“I only play well when I’m prepared. If I don’t practice the way I should, then I won’t play the way I know I can.”
Ivan Lendl
On Success:
Failing Forward
by: Nick Horton
You can’t succeed at anything if you quit. Don’t be a quitter, be a failure.
Here are a few examples of failures that made good to keep you inspired to keep failing and never quit.
1. J.K. Rowling
J.K. Rowling, the author of the Harry Potter novels was waitressing and on public assistance when she was writing the first installment of what would become one of the best selling series in history. The book was rejected by a dozen publishers. The only reason it got published at all was because the CEO’s eight year old daughter begged him to publish it.
“Failure meant a stripping away of the inessential.” – J.K. Rowling
Now, if that isn’t a great Zen line, I don’t know what is!
2. Michael Jordan
It might come as a shock, but the man who became what many would call the best basketball player of all time didn’t make his high school basketball team.
“I have missed more than 9,000 shots in my career. I have lost almost 300 games. On 26 occasions I have been entrusted to take the game winning shot, and I missed. I have failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.” – Michael Jordan
3. Thomas Edison
Thomas Edison was both hearing impaired and fidgety. He only lasted three months in school where his teachers said he was “too stupid to learn anything.” He eventually was home schooled by his mom. In talking about his invention of the light bulb, he said:
“I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that do not work.” – Thomas Edison
4. James Carville
When I was a kid I was obsessed with political campaigns the way other kids were obsessed with sports. During the 1992 Presidential campaign there was no greater superstar-whacko than Clinton’s political operative, James Carville. With his shaved bald head, snake-like facial features, and his deep Louisiana accent he seemed like a man out of the Twilight Zone!
He’s now considered to be one of the greatest political operatives of a generation. But, before he ended up on that fateful campaign in his early 40’s he was dead broke, had won only a handful of elections, and had never even been approved for a credit card. On paper, he looked like a complete failure. By not giving up he ended up in the White House.
“No one will ever accuse James Carville of taking himself seriously.” – James Carville
5. Ludwig van Beethoven
His early skills at music and the violin were decidedly less than impressive. His teachers thought him hopeless. It was his father who saw the potential in him and took over his education. Beethoven slowly lost his hearing throughout his life and yet, four of his greatest works were composed when he was completely deaf.
“Beethoven can write music, thank God, because he can’t do anything else!” – Ludwig van Beethoven
6. Christopher Reeve
The man who played Superman becoming a quadriplegic was more than ironic – it was tragic. He never learned to be happy about his situation – who could? But, he did learn to live with it.
“In the morning, I need twenty minutes to cry. To wake up and make that shift, you know, and to just say, ‘This really sucks,’ to really allow yourself the feeling of loss. It still needs to be acknowledged.” – Christopher Reeve
Then, he’d say, “And now…forward!”
He had to take a moment everyday to acknowledge where he was, what the reality of the situation was. But, he didn’t allow that to stop him. He traveled widely doing public speaking on behalf of people with spinal injuries, tirelessly raised money for his own and other foundations, and even became a movie director. He took what he had and tried to help others in the best way he could.
7. Oprah Winfrey
Her childhood was frightful and filled with horrible abuse and abject poverty. But, like most successful people, Oprah doesn’t dwell on stuff like that.
“I don’t think of myself as a poor deprived ghetto girl who made good. I think of myself as somebody who from an early age knew I was responsible for myself, and I had to make good.” – Oprah Winfrey
“Success seems to be connected with action. Successful people keep moving. They make mistakes, but they don’t quit.”
Conrad Hilton
Upcoming Public Events:
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“This was an excellent course that will help me greatly!”
Ty Hall, Sales – Lexus of Tacoma
“I learned information that is going to help me increase my income while expending less time.”
Jeremy Rubin, Sales – Hinshaw’s Honda
“This was a very good overview of current digital marketing and I even made a Vcard! Michael inspired me to set up my YouTube channel!”
Cheryl Martin, Sales Consultant – South Tacoma Honda
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